Brains, Bits, and Qubits
What Brains, Bits, and Quantum Physics Have in Common The laws of physics are manifested everywhere in nature. A flowing river obeys physical laws and, in effect, solves complex fluid dynamics equations as it flows from one point to another. The laws of physics are always at work but are not being harnessed in a programmable way. A river, of course, is not considered to be a computer. “Computing comes down to different ways of processing information. The difference between digital and quantum computing is in manipulating bits versus qubits.” Three Ways Physics is Harnessed in Computation 1. HumanBrains Computation Humans are programmable: our brains operate by harnessing biophysical processes to receive instructions, process information, and output results. The human brain is considered to be the most complex object in the universe, containing hundreds of billions of neurons, and trillions of synapses connecting the neurons. the human brain is by far the best computer ...